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Comedy. Sci-Fi. Documentary.


Whatever your story looks like, we want to see it on the big screen!

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We're looking to lift up the next generation of cinematic visionaries with The Triplex's inaugural Young Filmmakers Festival! If you're a resident of Berkshire county and the surrounding areas between the ages of 13-19, this is your opportunity to create a short film that will screen at The Triplex on November 16th. 

Documentary or fiction, animated or live-action — we're looking for entries in all genres representing a diverse group of voices. Shoot with a camera, cellphone, or whatever you want — the only requirement is that its your story! 

Don't know where to start? Work with our group of our industry professionals to read scripts, review rough cuts, and support the filmmaking process. Email yff@thetriplex.org with your name and a short description of what you're looking for help with. 

Already have a film 12 minutes or under? Submit it here!


Triplex Cinema